Sunday, October 21, 2012

Rustling the Leaves: Talking Leaves

Randy Rumley, [Raiders of Niagara] along with Talking Leaves independent bookstore since 1971, in conjunction with Just Buffalo Literary Center presented "Rustling the Leaves" with Ken Feltges, Susan Marie and Mark Fulk.

Below is live audio of poetry readings, an excellent article by Max Crillen and a photo stream.

"Rustling the Leaves"

1) Mark Fulk
  click here or direct download right click here

2) Sue Marie
click here or direct download right click here

3) Ken Feltges
  click here or direct download right click here
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Thank you, as always, for supporting the arts. 

Friday, August 31, 2012

How Do I Explain?

how do i explain
the sunset
when she drapes herself elegant
climbing through tree limbs
still green with summer
dappling brick buildings
causing brown to change to burnt sienna

how do i explain
a solitary leaf
each vein sprawling
as arteries and veins
spreading life
throughout one being

how do i explain
the rushing wind
as she kisses my cheeks
gracing my face
as the touch of an angel
on a summer's eve

it is how one would explain a science
of chemistry and emotion
all six senses alive and acute
stirring and spinning
as Autumn leaves unberthed from their rest

it is as difficult to explain my love for you
as simple as it is

to love you.

copyright Susan Marie 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Message in the Madness: and other updates

"Nightingales Perched Upon Knots of Mother Nature" For Syria  On WeSpeakNews [India]

"The Reformation and Degradation of Humanity: On WeSpeakNews [India] 

"Message in the Madness" On WeSpeakNews [India]

"Pieta" in Kritya [India] 

"Art Will Be the Death of Me" in Kritya [India]