Friday, May 28, 2010

“I just wrote this after someone tried to tell me that oil (and the spill and how we can stop drilling to avoid further combat) has nothing to do with war and this person said “No its all religion” (and tried to tell me about religion) and really at this point there are 300 reasons why we are at war and none of it is of any worth so here it goes: I just named it . . .”


  1. It's the first time that I'm visiting your page, Susan and WOAH! =)

    I read this poem twice and every time I read it, it grew on me in a different way. The pain, emotion, sensitivity and purity of feeling touched the cords right in the core of my heart. It has strong power and an effective beauty which casts a spell on one’s soul.

    Beautifully composed =) Keep writing. It's worth doing.

  2. I just saw this comment, thank you so much. I thank you for your words, then I have done my job to evoke such emotions. *smile*
